
Minister Nรญsia Trindade Lima is the first woman to head the Ministry of Health of Brazil. The minister was also the first woman to chair the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a historic science and technology institution and an international reference, between 2017 and 2022.

Minister Nรญsia holds a PhD in Sociology (1997), a Master’s in Political Science (1989), from the University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro (Iuperj – current Iesp) and a degree in Social Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj, 1980).

The Minister is a top-level researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), recognized for her scientific research and actions to improve the dialogue between science and society. Her work is a reference on Brazilian social thought, and the history of science and public health. She is the author of articles, books, and chapters with reflections on the dilemmas of national society.